CyberVein has the following technologies and innovative solutions proposed by multiple analysis to realize the design goal of CyberVein.
1. A distributed ledger of DAG architecture.
2. A smart contract programming language improved by CyberVein and a database virtual machine.
3. A new consensus mechanism — PoC (Proof of Contribution)
4. A new, inter-ecological smart contract architecture.
On the value of the data found in the process of using a DAG architecture of distributed books and a virtual machine with database functions, anyone can write the database and release smart contracts and Dapp, thus they can develop the data ownership of their value, data exchange format and data conversion function of rules.
For example, an experiment program may need multiple laboratory to contribute data together, each lab can share the useful experimental data in the same database, and make contribution to the data available on the number of the Token. Data need for the user needs to pay the Token, the analysis results of data consumers can be re-contributed and then be Shared for Token. When collaborators for the Token made economic value of mutual recognition agreement, Token can be used as the value of data bearer, only when the right people actually use the data itself, and defines the rules, carrier and transfer data value can be really reflected.