AI Vs. Humans

Having seen various TV series and films about artificial intelligence, some may be a little hostile toward technology. After all, they may believe that robots will seize the world and control people. We’ve decided to dispel the most basic myths about artificial intelligence.

2 min readJun 23, 2020
AI Vs. Humans

AI Will Replace All Jobs

Of course, the emergence of AI can seriously disrupt work. However, it is wrong to view this disruption as a direct transfer of labor from people to machines. Previous industrial revolutions have led to changes in the workforce, but the number of jobs has remained generally unchanged.

Computers Will Be Better than Humans

Did you know that artificial intelligence applications are divided into two groups: specialized and generic? Specialized ones are those that work in one field and are becoming increasingly successful. Yes, such robots succeed no worse than humans. However, generic AIs — those that can apply themselves to a number of different tasks — are yet to reach human level.

AI Will Quickly Catch Up and Pass Human Intelligence

This misconception occurs when we imagine intelligence in the form of a linear scale — for example, a scale of one to ten. In reality, intelligence is measured in many different dimensions. In some areas, computers are far ahead of us, while in others, such as creativity, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking, they are still far behind and unlikely to surpass us anytime soon.

AI Will Lead to the Destruction and Enslavement of the Human Race by Higher Robotic Beings

It’s one of many science fiction scenarios. The fact is that, despite a distant future where everything is possible, we will have to destroy a huge number of borders and make certain societal concessions before we find ourselves in such a position. Right now, it is highly unlikely that anyone will consider creating or deploying an autonomous machine capable of deciding, harming, or turning against its creators, humans.

Are you afraid of artificial intelligence?




Written by CyberVein

CyberVein reinvents decentralized databases and the way we secure and monetize information.

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